
In the beginning the world was relatively simple…we lived to take care of ourselves and each other, to seek shelter, food, water and community.

The world is no longer so simple. We have complicated lives, challenging relationships, overwhelming exposure to external pressure from finances, politics, environmental toxins, excessive technology……and its all starting to show up in our bodies and our minds at an unprecedented rate.

We have the gift of technology at the price of our sanity and in the midst of it all, so many of us just feel frightened, stuck, unhealthy, lonely and disconnected. In fact, statistics show that at any one time, 3 out of 4 of us are struggling to digest and process our lives and are suffering from physical and mental illness.

It can be easy to forget that we belong to this world, that we can create a heavenly space for ourselves where we can experience calm and connection to peace. It is easy to forget where we belong and how important each one of us is to the very fabric of our existence.

I hope to share with each of you a new way of being and feeling, in a sacred space that allows you to remember your value, your inner spark of true power and creativity.

Each one of us has a birthright of happiness, health and prosperity – we’re simply disconnected from our knowledge of how to implement them!

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